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5 posts tagged with "Haunt Industry"

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We Won't Make it to Transworld This Year

· 5 min read
Lisa Heijmans
Lisa Heijmans
CEO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

I first want to say that the entire team is absolutely gutted we aren't going to make it to the show this year. It was one of the toughest decisions I had to make.

It's been amazing year for us here at Rising Orchards and IgorBox. Last year we made our debut with a preview of what we had in development at the Transworld Halloween and Attraction Show in St. Louis and it was a huge hit. We got some people on our early access program and were very hopeful we would be able to bring our products for general availability to the show this year. That's not what happened...

Lisa's HHN Survival Guide

· 6 min read
Lisa Heijmans
Lisa Heijmans
CEO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

I am so excited to go to HHN again this year and elated to go to every house available for the Behind the Screams tours too! I can't fully enjoy myself to the max without a little prep though.

Biggest bit of advice first, download the the universal Orlando app and set it up if you don’t already have it.

Come Say Hi at Midwest Haunters Convention!

· 2 min read
Lisa Heijmans
Lisa Heijmans
CEO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

Things are getting busy over here in the orchard. We can't start to build the booth yet for the Transworld Halloween Show as we just got our walls from NCV as of June 1st and are waiting on a few other goodies to get going. Plenty else is keeping us busy though.

How it Started: Rotting Orchards

· 2 min read
Lisa Heijmans
Lisa Heijmans
CEO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

The name that started our story came from our roots. We began in a dreamy oasis of Silicon Valley over 10 years ago now. The land was an apricot orchard in its last life. When looking for our haunt name, even as super amateurs, I knew there was great power in a name. Especially when you're broke. Not to mention we had huge dreams of becoming local legend.