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6 posts tagged with "IgorBox"

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New Feedback Form

· 2 min read
Lisa Heijmans
Lisa Heijmans
CEO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

Today we're happy to announce a new feedback form that will allow you to send us feedback directly from the IgorBox web interface. This is a great way to let us know about any issues you're having, suggest new features, or just tell us how much you love IgorBox!

Hints and Ambient Support

· 3 min read
Lisa Heijmans
Lisa Heijmans
CEO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

We have a couple cool new features we want to talk about today including a new hints system and ambient composition support for IgorBoxes. We also have a new Firmware release (version 1.0.5) that includes a bunch of bug fixes and improvements. Let's dive in!

Telemetry and Metrics V2

· 4 min read
Mike Heijmans
Mike Heijmans
CTO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

We have been hard at work on the Transworld feedback items.

The first of those items we rolled out today is a huge revamp of our telemetry system and graphing tools.

We talked a little about this on the June State of the Lab live stream (you can watch the replay here 17:43 for the mention of telemetry), but we wanted to give you a more in-depth look at what has changed and what you can expect going forward.

We Heard You at Transworld

· 3 min read
Mike Heijmans
Mike Heijmans
CTO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

We had a great time at Transworld 2024 and we wanted to thank everyone who stopped by our booth to check out the IgorBox controllers and give us feedback. We heard you loud and clear and we are working on making the changes that many of you suggested. We are also working on a few other surprises that we will be announcing soon.

Project Update - October '23

· 5 min read
Mike Heijmans
Mike Heijmans
CTO @ Rising Orchards / IgorBox

It's the 16th of October and we would love to be so much further along than we are today. We have had an incredible amount of setbacks and delays, but we are still working on the beta and we are still working on getting it out to you as soon as possible. At the same time, I want to be transparent about what's been going on and why we are where we are.